
时间:2022-07-26 20:05:02 来源:网友投稿




 The holidays are here. I n the past few weeks, students everywhere have been franticallyfinishing assignm ents, m aking valiant attem pts at Christm as dinner and packing up their room s into Tardis-like suitcases, ready for the journey hom e. 假期近在眼前, 过去的几周里, 每个地方的学生都在疯狂赶作业, 狂欢圣诞节, 和打包行李箱, 然后准备回家过节。

 University can be exhausting, whether you’ re in your first or final year and, like m ost undergraduates, I

 wanted to do next to nothing during the breaks. 无论你是大一还是大四, 大学生活可能让你筋疲力竭, 以至于假期里面什么都不想做。

  Unfortunately, after a few extra lie-ins, some m outh-watering hom e cooking and several pub sessions –

 things can get boring. 不幸的是,(假期里)

 几次懒觉, 几顿垂涎的家常菜和几次酒吧流连后, 生活会变得很无趣。

 You’ ll probably never have holidays this long again, so m ake sure you m ake them

 productive, whether it"s this Christm as, or the next extensive break. 可能你以后再也不会有这么长的假期, 所以无论是圣诞假期还是其他长假, 还是确保过得充实吧。

  Th in k abou t

 th e fu tu re 思考未来

 I t’ s never too early (or late) to consider what you want to do over the next few years and these spells of downtim e give you a chance to think. 好好考虑你接下来的几年打算做什么永远都不会早(也不会晚), 所以假期的这段时间正好给了你一个机会去思考。

 Dust off the felt tips and start Googling:

 are you enjoying your chosen course? I f not, what else is out there? Are you interested in travelling, either as part of your degree or after graduation? Which jobs or graduate schem es appeal to you? 重新拿起粗头笔然后开始谷歌搜索:

 你享受你的选修课吗? 如果不喜欢, 那你喜欢什么? 把它当成你学业的一部分或者是毕业之后, 你喜欢旅行吗? 什么职业或者毕业生计划比较吸引你?

 Mulling over your options is a handy way to kill a few hours when you’ ve had enough of This Morning. 当你度过了千篇一律的假期上午后, 仔细考虑未来生活将是一个不错的打发时间的方法。


 a tem porary j ob 找一份短时工作 I f the current state of your bank account is giving you sweaty night terrors then the solution is to work. 如果你现在的银行账户情况会让你半夜惊醒, 那么解决办法就是找份工作。

  Whether it’ s m ucking out petting pets at a Farm

 Park in the sum m er, stackingsuperm arket shelves at Christm as, or tem ping in an office, the good news is there’ s always plenty of seasonal work available to students and don"t think you"ve left it too late this Christm as- you"re bound to find som e shops looking for last m inute cover. 无论是夏天在农场处理动物粪便, 圣诞节整理超市货架, 还是在办公室做临时雇员, 好消息是总会有一些适合大学生的季节性工作。

 别觉得现在太晚, 你现在就可以去一些店里寻找最后的机会。

  Try volu n t eerin g

 尝试做义工 Volunteering is an easy way of exploring your interests, m eeting new people and enhancing your CV while doing som ething fantastic for your com m unity. 当你为社区做一些极好的事情时, 志愿者服务不仅能让你探索自己的兴趣, 结识新的人, 还能丰富你的简历。

  You can volunteer in pretty m uch anything im aginable and you don’ t need to com m itloads of free tim e:

 try a one-off fundraising day helping with local bucket collections or m icro-volunteering –

 which involves charitable actions of around 30 m inutes –

 such as online tutoring, planting trees or walking dogs. 你可以尝试做任何志愿者服务, 而且你也不用投入大量的空余时间:

 你可以在一个筹款日帮助当地公益组织或者做一些零碎的志愿服务, 比如30分钟左右就可以完成的事情——在线

 辅导, 植树和遛狗。

  Stu d y ( a bit )

 多学一点 When you finally get your degree result you’ ll either be popping the Prosecco or kicking yourself for not putting in enough effort. University term s take up just over half the year, so studying in the holidays is a m ust. 当你在毕业之际拿到成绩单时, 你要么在打开普洛赛克葡萄酒享受, 要么在对当初不够努力后悔莫及。

 大学每学期只有半年时间, 所以在假期里学习很有必要。

 I f you’ ve got exam s or assessm ents com ing up then revise and look at feedback from

 tutors to address your weak points. 如果你已经拿到了考试成绩和评价, 那就仔细校对, 从老师那里拿到反馈, 标出自己的弱势知识。

 Obviously you don’ t have to get through the whole reading list –

 trying to pick out a few extra books could really im prove the quality of your essays. 显而易见, 你并不需要阅读清单上的所有内容, 试着挑一些能真正提高你论文质量的好书。

 Make m em ories 制造回忆

 The best bit about the holidays is catching up with friends and fam ily so m ake the m ost of it. I

 arranged a board gam es night with m y fam ily and although they weren’ t ecstaticabout it, I

 loved it. 假期最好的一点就是可以和朋友、 家人相聚, 所以尽情享受吧!

 我曾经安排了一个和家人的桌面游戏之夜, 虽然他们并不是特别入迷, 但我很喜欢这种感觉。

  Get all your hom e friends together and play poker with Quality Street instead of cash, organise your own bake off, or rem inisce over cringeworthy childhood videos. Throw alcohol into the m ix and you’ ll be winning. 把所有的朋友叫在一起, 以花街巧克力糖果为赌注来玩扑克, 策划一场烘焙大赛, 或者一起回看童年的尴尬影像记录, 给这些活动再加点酒, 你就赢了!

 Meet up with your university m ates and do som ething you wouldn’ t norm ally do at uni, like visiting a m useum

 or gallery. My friends are partial to trips involving aquarium s and penny press m achines. 邀上你的大学同学, 做点儿你们在学校里不会做的事儿, 比如参观博物馆或者画廊。


 The point is, if you pack your holidays with beneficial work, personally rewarding experiences and fun tim es, you will have succeeded in m aking this invaluable tim e count. Go and enjoy it. 最关键的是, 如果你能做一些有价值的工作, 获得有满足感的经历, 以及享受一些开心时刻,你的假期就值了。

 行动起来, 享受假期吧!

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